Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Welcome to the Collective

So I’ve long held the belief that the United Federation of Planets from Star Trek is actually run by a shadowy government that controls all major decisions behind closed doors. There’s plenty of evidence for it within the various media to support it, mostly having to do with the insane number of corrupt/crazy officials and organizations within the Federation. (Section 31 anyone?) Part of that Alex Jones style conspiracy theory leads to what the true origin of the Borg are, a failed Federation experiment that was luckily shot far away from the federation shortly after the dangers were discovered.

If you can see the underlying corruption of the federation and know its history with awful experimentation and those very experiments going awry rather spectacularly very often you can understand how it might be possible. Just think of any episode of TNG where they’re trying some type of new experimental tech and it almost destroys a world or starts poking holes in reality or causes everyone on the ship to begin to de-evolve. How about that holodeck? With the safety protocols disengaged it can cause a real warp core breach or allow an antique gun to be used to slaughter some Borg.

Now think about that while imagining this. (Spoilers of Voyager ahead) In Voyager the Borg started to get explained. Some of their origins, their tech, and all of that other stuff is brought into the light. One episode the crew finds a planet full of former Borg who were separated from the collective and had to fend for themselves. It was a pretty interesting episode. Basically what you should take out of it though is what the Neural Link of the Borg is capable of doing. It is able to share all the thoughts, memories and mental energies of those in the link with all the others. It creates a sense of bliss and the positive energy is capable of stimulating rapid healing of life-threatening energies.

Chakotay has his life saved by this energy from the link and is then used by one of the groups on the planet to reactivate their hive mind. Within seconds of activation the war the two sides we fighting stops without so much as an afterthought given to everyone one the planet's feelings on being reintroduced into a hive mind that crushes their individuality.

This is a majorly important thing to understand. The Borg are linked by their hive mind and share the same voice because of this one invention, the neural link. Everything else is just an expansion of this if you really think about it. The episode in question ends with the crew reactivating the neural link between all of these former Borg which ends their war immediately because they are all suddenly one again. It’s a weird thing to think about too long.

(I can only imagine what would happen if someone had a string enough will to overpower the others within the collective or was manipulative enough to convince the collective to follow their will, or hell, reprogram the link to make themselves have a higher priority within the thought protocols or whatever you want to call them.)

Everything else the Borg do, use, or create is an expansion of this Link. The link provides them with the ability to solve problems quickly and with one voice while keeping all who are in it healthier. This was a benevolent invention with good intentions until something or someone caused a catastrophic failure of the system. Like maybe a corrupt/crazy Starfleet Admiral or Federation official?

So the theory I’m getting to is that this was a major cybernetics project for the Federation. All sorts of ways to remove the need for food, breathing, etc while making each individual safer and allowing a ship to function better. This would likely be happening during a time of active warfare, so possibly during Kirk’s time. Instant communication and better combat capabilities are all things you desperately research. Each of the individuals who were in there getting implants were volunteers, each with differing specialties, most of them scientists though who then used this link to enhance their information sharing which helped accelerate this project.

The project must have been producing great results. They managed to create devices that replaced biological functions and some others that were useful for shipboard work, computer interfacing, and combat (like a reprogrammable personal shield generator). They even developed a way to recharge these devices with an exterior power source so they wouldn’t need to each be carrying miniature warp cores with them everywhere they went. They called these regeneration alcoves. Everything was going great until they added their final volunteer.

I’m going to guess that this volunteer was an attractive young woman who had a rough past. Possibly growing up on a war torn world and suffered varying abuses from her time there. Maybe she had lost multiple limbs throughout her life as well as some types of extensive and permanent organ damages as well. The researchers took pity on her and tried to help he out by giving her these implants. I’d imagine she took to the implants very quickly and was beyond happy to receive them. Maybe this awakened one of those deep seated addictions that can only appear in someone who has suffered a long train of abuse. This led to her need to fill her body with technology. She had to replace the weak flesh. When the researchers began to worry about her sanity and attempted to slow her down she took control of their collective by sheer force of will. It was then she started to call herself the Queen.

The one researcher who was left who was luckily able to break the link before she could take control of him. He tried to run as quickly as he could, but the others were too capable and almost succeeded in capturing him and forcing him back into the collective. He was saved at the last minute after an entity calling himself “Q” basically froze them in place. The researcher begged the entity to assist him, which he agreed to do on one condition, Humanity would need to be judged X number of years in the future to determine if they were worth continuing to exist after unleashing what this collective would become. Of course he agreed and Q sent the Queen and her collective to a random spot in the Delta Quadrant.

The Admiral/Official in charge of the project briefed his superiors and Section 31 about this incident after interrogating and imprisoning the lone researcher. The information was secreted away and hidden to preserve the peace of the Federation during the war so as to not give the Federation nor Star Fleet a bad rap.
Meanwhile in the Delta Quadrant the Collective took control of the world they were transported to and began to use their scientific knowledge to build themselves up and force more sentient beings into their collective. Eventually they were able to get their hands on a Nanotech scientist who was able to finalize their transformation into the Borg that we know now by creating the nanoprobes that became their most useful weapon in forcefully assimilating others. The nanoprobes took care of building the initial implants that make a Borg what it is, most importantly the Neural Link.

The Queen achieved technical immortality by being able to move “her” to whatever vessel that exists that can handle her individual consciousness.

Wow, that got off my original intent rather quickly…

The point is, this neural link uses positive feelings and instant communication to all those who are connected to allow a bunch of people to communicate their thoughts and ideas across the link. It’s a future Facebook.
Social networks are starting to show signs in studies as being as addicting as heroine. It produces a mini-high every time you click a “Like” button or when someone responds to any of your posts. It is a social link that connects you with other people nearly instantaneously and keeps you there with the positive feelings that you get from it.

Social networking is the start of the Neural Link!

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