So I’ve been looking through the PDF of the new version of the FATE RPG and trying to get a firm grasp on the system. Everything I’ve read about it so far is wonderful and touches upon everything that I love about the RPG genre, which is primarily the story. The system is relatively simple and attempts to create a way to encourage Role Playing through some core mechanics. It looks like something extremely fun to do and reminds me of the wonderful times I had back when I was first being introduced to RPGs through Everway.
Basically the characters are based around “Aspects” which are simple depictions of your character’s personality, upbringing, etc that play into how they interact with the world. You can use an aspect to gain an advantage on a roll or give you a reroll by spending a Fate Point as long as it fits with the circumstances. Conversely, a character’s Aspects can be used in what they call a “Compel” to have them do something that the character would do, which in turn causes whoever was causing the compel to gain some type of advantage over you.. You can choose to ignore the Compel by spending a Fate Point or you can take the compel which gives someone the advantage, but also rewards the character with a free Fate Point.
I’m not going to go too deeply into the mechanics of it all right now because I’m pretty sure I did some of that already in a previous post somewhere back there when talking about the Dresden Files RPG, which uses this system as its baseline. There are some minor differences between FATE 3.0 and Dresden, but really they’re pretty minor differences in the long run and it won’t make much of a difference to talk about them here.
(If you want to read more about the system check out my buddy's blog or the FATE RPG's official website)
One thing I am wanting to do is to learn the character creation system of this game and to explore how flexible it is. To do that I am revisiting some of my old Everway characters and rebuilding them as Fate characters. Now, this isn’t exactly a perfect system here. Fate is something where there is a lot of interaction with the GM and other players to help ensure that the setting, group and abilities are all understood by those who are playing together and that all of their stories intertwine in a way that makes sense. Doing this with characters who are already established and have powers that are going to be a challenge to define without a GM giving their stamp of approval on them is going to be very difficult and may not be the best way to showcase the system right now.
That being said, it isn’t going to stop me and I’m going to attempt this exercise anyways so that I can learn the process and refine my own understanding of the system. Maybe I’ll even finish some more of the character profiles I enjoy doing so much along the way.
My next post will be my first attempt at this. I will take him through the steps the rulebook says, minus some of the interaction with other players stuff because it’s just me writing this thing up. I might attempt to bounce some ideas off people I know who are interested in this and reading the rulebook and gushing over it as much as I am (you know who you are!).
Anyways, I’m thinking that the first character to be converted will be Makass because he’s still one of my favorites and one of my most fleshed out characters from that time period.
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