Monday, December 2, 2013

Space Opera: Alien Profiles Part 2

Continuing my posts about alien races for the Space Opera setting:


Name: Krayanans

Home-World: Lorkub

Description: A race of small but aggressive bi-pedal reptiles. They are highly intelligent and resourceful. They live on hot planets, preferring a temperature of approximately 80 degrees Celsius. Their average height is 1 meter, and their average lifespan is only 60 years.


I don’t like the 80 degrees Celsius thing for this race because I got a different idea while reading this entry. Space Kobolds!!!


Seriously, these are space Kobolds. They can still go ahead and prefer a warmer climate due to being cold blooded, but for seriously, these are space kobolds. What would their world be like?


I’m running with this idea, and screw all you who don’t like it! Anyone know where I can find a picture of a Kobold in a space suit?


Primary: Bizarre


Name: Nalaavites

Home-World: Soleer Prime

Description: A race of venomous amphibians who are governed by a committee of prominent businessmen.


Well I guess sentient humanoid poison dart frogs are the race that runs the biggest and most prosperous planet in the Star Cluster. They likely wear some type of body suit that helps them stay out of the water longer. It is a pretty vital piece of equipment for a space faring race since starships are going to be kept climate controlled for lower atmospheric water levels.


The suits also protect those not of their species from the poisons their bodies secrete. When stressed or in danger their bodies reflexively produce a powerful contact cardio/neurotoxin. They are able to train themselves to suppress this reflex, but it’s not always effective. A few sentient species in the universe who evolved from animals that eat similar species of animals may have an immunity to this toxin.


The entire race is of extremely varied and bright colors. They take the brightness, colors, and patterns of their skins very seriously. It is very much tied to desirability for mating.


Primary: Bizarre


Name: Pavongans

Home-World: Hetoo 4

Description: A race of inventive mollusks. They have no concept of written language. They are divided into two competing nation-states, each of which controls territory on their home-world, as well as several off-world colonies.


Mollusks, eh? Okay, so that gives me a lot of things to choose from. Let’s go classic and assume some type of Cephalopod-like critter. Maybe a kind of mostly humanoid shape, but with 4 tentacles acting as legs and 4 tentacles as arms. They have a head with a large brain, octopus looking eyes, and a beaked mouth. They can also change their skin colors at will. Their ancestors could do it to match the environment, but this mostly just coincides with emotional states and aesthetics now. Their bodies are made of soft tissues and cartilage and decay rapidly after death with the body taking only a couple of weeks to be near completely decayed. Each arm tentacle has a very delicate looking end that is used for fine manipulation of things while the leg tentacles are much larger and stronger.


If they have zero concept of a written language, how would they be able to share ideas over the course of their evolution into a space faring society? They either have to live a long time, have insanely awesome memories and brain power, or they transfer information in a different way. I like the last one. Maybe they exchange ideas concepts and memories by exchanging chemical signals of some type. A form of memory swapping telepathy, and possibly a form of ancestral memory built into each and every member of the race.


This would mean their society is very much based upon honoring their ancestors. These long memories would easily be passed on to their young. Each and every one of them would have memories leading back countless generations. Maybe these more distant memories can only be accessed through deep meditation or something similar. And clearly not everything is going to be passed on. If a parent lives a long life after having children those later memories aren’t going to be passed on unless they share them via whatever their biological sharing mechanism is. (Chemical cocktails seem about right for this, and these aren’t just a different form a writing, these are actual recreations of the things that make the memories exist)


This would very likely lead them to be a contemplative and deep thinking race with a respect for tradition. They would never be rash or quick to jump to a decision. The loss of someone before their memories can be passed on is a very grave thing to happen to this race.


Now, why the hell are there two competing nation-states? Easy, ancient rivalries that just cannot seem to die. These have been the dominant nations for thousands upon thousands of years in one way shape or form. Ancient conflicts and the horrors inflicted upon each other are still able to be vividly recalled. Ever experience someone else’s PTSD cause before? They can! So they don’t get along well. Memories from the long dead cloud the judgments of the living.


Primary: Bizarre

Secondary: Mysticism

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