My recent foray back into reading up on Warmachine/Hordes has prompted me to start looking at the old Iron Kingdoms RPG. That's never a good sign. It means I'm going to be coming up with a basic outline for yet another campaign that will never be.
Always with the ideas, never with the follow-through. Not always my fault, right now I don't have the players to run anything I already have, let alone a newly forming campaign idea in a setting that might not be people's first choice to play in.
Anyways, enough about of my problems. I'm really on here to talk about something I was doing for fun last night because of this WM/H reading. I brought up my old work on a conversion for WM/H stats from the game to the D20 version. There is still a lot of estimations and guess work involved in designing the weaponry and abilities but the statistics are pretty easy to work with.
It's a very simple thing to convert on some things. Like Hit-Die for 'jacks, very easy conversion, you just take the number of Hull boxes they have and change that directly to Hit-Die. From there you can easily extrapolate the Base Attack Bonus and Base Saves. All of this is in the Liber Mechanika as I later found out... which made some of the things I was doing easier. It still didn't answer specifics on weaponry or abilities and since I don't have any of the older issues of No Quarter that have the d20 conversions for Warjacks and such in them I still have to make do with my best guesses.
Which isn't to say that I don't have fun doing these things. It gives me a better feel for the mechanics of the game and lets me be able to play with new concepts and ideas for a campaign.
Okay, I really just need to get the new Iron Kingdoms RPG as soon as I can, that will just make things easier...
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