Thursday, July 12, 2012

Warmachine, Hordes and the Iron Kingdom RPG

While I was out in Washington for this last install I did something I haven't done in a long time. I bought a new issue of No Quarter Magazine, Privateer Press' official propaganda periodical. Guess I decided to pick up the right one because it showed me things that made me want to play again. It also had in it a generalized set of rules for the new version of the Iron Kingdoms RPG in it.

I didn't stop playing Warmachine due to lack of interest or money, I stopped playing because I don't have a place to play or people to play with. Since I can't play it I don't keep up with it like I used to. That annoys me. I have only been able to play a handful of games since MK 2 came out and I wish I could play more because of how much that revamp killed the power creep that had taken hold. It made everything simpler and brought 'jacks back into the limelight.

Now they took the next step to appeal to those who like 40k's sets of giant models by implementing exactly what I have been predicting since I first read about them in the fluff, Colossals.

That makes me want to get back into it with the quickness. Can't justify the money I'd to spend though to catch back up with all the things that have changed in the 2 1/2 years (Holy crap, really!?!) I've been out of it. Can you imagine what Kraye, Stryker, and Darius could do with that guy in that pic? How many POW 10 Damage rolls can I inflict? Is there anything Lightning can't solve? I also want to see the new Epic version of Nemo, that intrigues me. New epic versions of casters? This should be interesting.

And here I am without money for hobbies like this, let alone time and places to do them...

Anyways, the other thing that caught my eye was the new Iron Kingdoms RPG. They created a brand new system from scratch based upon the system used in Warmachine/Hordes. In fact, this reeks of a system that could easily be used for a Vehicle Design Rules type of system for the IK/WM/H setting. 

It uses 2D6 that can be enhanced up to 4D6 with abilities and special points that you spend during gameplay. You add that to whatever important stat is required for the action you're taking to determine success. HP is done similar to Hordes' Life Spiral system for Warbeasts. So you have 3 aspects (Body, Mind, Spirit) that determine the penalties that you may receive from damage. Easy to understand, easy to pick up, and I bet the War game stats translate over very easily so you can setup encounters on the fly without much effort (as long as you know the tabletop game).

The book is supposed to come out at some point this summer, and boy do I want it. I love the setting and feel of the world. I'm loving these teaser mechanics. I love the overall story going on in the world that can give you plenty of inspiration to draw off of. The only problem I have is the same one I have right now, no matter how awesome a system or setting (or both) is I don't have players or someone to run a game. 

I've run into the same problem with a few other systems, like the Dresden Files RPG. Love the system, love the setting, no one to play with. That's life though. I mean I'm loving the current Pathfinder group I'm in. It's the most fun I've had with any D20 style system in years, and we're only 2 sessions in. I'm not a fan of D20 systems in general because of the tendency towards less Role Playing and more Roll Playing, but it's generally the automatic flavor that people will default to. 

We might not like it, but everyone can agree on it. Pathfinder is better than vanilla DnD but, still, just something about it still doesn't sit right with me. That's what I get for starting with Everway and the World of Darkness for my first games I guess. 

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