Thursday, November 7, 2013

Planets of Random, Episode 3

Part 3 of the ongoing world-building for the Space Opera campaign.

Planet 8:
15 object system with 1 asteroid belt; 4 moon planet; atmosphere harmful over a long period of time; Saturated Hydrosphere; 0.6 earth gravity; 29 hour day; 285 day year; Common terrain: Mountainous/Wetlands; Establishment was a Recent or Past Cataclysm; Government is an alliance of groups, Informal regulations with tech/weapons restrictions; Imports: Finished goods, services;  Exports: Processing and Research; Population of ~20,000; Basic Spaceport; Off-route trade status

Planet 8, this one has been hard to think about. Nothing really jumped out at me about it. It is known about enough that it can’t really be a secret research base but it’s off the normal trade route so it only gets minimal or deliberate trade traffic. Exports processed materials and research on a world that is a world saturated with liquid water that has been devastated by some type of disaster.

Hmmm… How about it’s a world where various interests rent out spaces to do R&D and Raw Material processing that they can’t do elsewhere. Similar to a certain planet in the first Mass Effect game. This is a planet owned by one business, family, or species that rent out spaces to whoever can afford them to do what they feel like doing there away from prying eyes. The only real rules are a in regards to secrecy and keeping everything contained to your research area. Typically only people who have a good reason to be there fly out to it with the occasional trader flying out to try to sell some luxury goods, exotic foods, or similar things.

Planet 9:
12 object system, 3 annual comets; 1 moon; earth-like atmosphere; Dry hydrosphere; 1.2 Earth gravity; 27 hour day; 105 day year; Common terrain: Mountains and Forests; Established as independent colony; Democratic government; Moderate regulations, alien intolerance; Imports: Luxury Goods, Natural Resources; Exports: Services, Manufacturing; Population of 20 million; Basic Spaceport; Minor trade port

Planet 9 is a colony of people looking to get away from the rest of the galaxy. They live their own lives and try to leave everyone else alone. The government is a loose confederation of allied city-states in semblance of post-revolution, pre-constitution America. Most of the people just want to live their lives and be left alone. They trade mostly with each other and occasionally go to the markets to trade with off worlders. The government restricts where off-worlders can go unless they are purchasing property. They just don’t trust people whom they don’t know.

The planet itself is rather earth-like in nature. It’s a little bit large and closer to its star though so there is less liquid water and a little bit warmer, but it is perfect for raising most types of food plants and animals.

There is a city-state near the space port that specializes in manufacturing components from raw materials. They have contracts with many of the major businesses in the cluster for component supply due to their proximity to trade routes and the lack of taxes.

Planet 10
12 planets, 2 asteroid belts, 1 annual comet; 1 moon; Enviro-suits required on surface; Saturated Hydrosphere; 0.3 Earth Gravity; 30 hour day; 345 day year; Common Terrain: Jungle, Artificial; Established as Dependent Colony; controlled by single organization; Intolerant regulations, alien intolerance; Imports services and manufactured components; exports luxury goods and services; Population 300,000; Basic Spaceport; Major Trade Port

Planet 10 is a corporate owned world. There is a single Dome city that humans land on here to conduct business with the company. This is the primary manufacturing plant for a number of luxury goods that the Starliners that stop at Planet 1 like to stock their ships with. As such, there is always a high level of demand for these products and the company is always willing to let independent traders transport these items for them since it pads the company’s bottom line.

It’s also a great place to gain some experience and a reliable reputation for independent traders who are just getting started. You can prove you’re reliable and trustworthy by doing some of this transport work. It’s an easy route with lots of security. Basically it’s a great and boring way to make enough money to pay some bills and build up a reputation. You won’t get rich doing it but you aren’t going to get attacked by a pirate along the way.

The planet isn’t all happiness and sunshine though. There are many rumors about health, safety, and rights violations by the corporate owners but no one seems to speak much about it because of how popular the products are and how much money it brings in everywhere. It also doesn’t help that no one is able to actually confirm these rumors.

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