Time for the last 3 planets to be generated at random.
Planet 11:
8 Planets; 4 moons; Earth-like atmosphere; saturated hydrosphere; Earth-like Gravity; 16 hour day; 165 day year; Ocean/Volcanic terrain; Cataclysm establishment; Alliance government; Intolerant regulations, Alien Prejudice; High-tech; Imports: Service (Terraforming)/Education (Terraforming/Economic); Exports: Gems, precious metals, jewelry/Natural Resources; 600,000 population; no spaceport; trade backwater
Planet 11 is a primordial earth that has very minimal life on it. Mostly its life is simplistic creatures living in the ocean still. There are no native land or air dwelling organisms here. People came to this planet as refugees following the destruction/devastation of their homeworld a few decades ago. This planet was colonized because no one wanted to deal with terraforming it before these refugees showed up. The refugees have been working very hard to transform this barren planet into a human-like species compatible planet so they can rebuild their culture. They import experts in financial and terraforming matters so that they can make sure they’re doing it right.
Planet 11 is not without controversy though. Because of how pristine of a condition this primordial world was in before their arrival, scientists and preservation groups have heavily protested this colonization, but since it isn’t in a government controlled system, no one can really do anything about it. The people on this planet don’t really like many visitors, and begrudgingly accept trade from other planets. They just want to be left alone to rebuild their people.
Planet 12:
9 Planets, 1 Asteroid Belt; Earth-like atmosphere; Arid Hydrosphere; 0.8 Earth Gravity; 29 hour day; 390 day year; Jungle/Forest terrain; Abandoned colony; Anarchy; Informal regulations: Alien prejudice; High tech; Imports: Service/Natural Resources (Water); Export: Minerals/Entertainment; 20 Million population; No spaceports; Off Route Trade.
Planet 12 used to be a semi-prosperous corporate colony mining precious minerals and metals until their parent company went under. Corporate abandoned them on planet as economic collapse set in. Many years of conflict ensued while people tried to instill their own order onto the planet. None were successful and no central authority exists anymore. After many years a sort of order sprang up from the remains of the colony. The spaceports that once existed are dilapidated and are being reclaimed by the deserts.
The planet is primarily composed of deserts; most plant life takes the shapes of desert and savannah plants. They protect themselves and are extremely efficient with water absorption and use. Most animals are adapted to a desert lifestyle. Water is a major import for these people because of the lack of major sources of water outside of processing the plants. Planet 12 is known very well for a very specific style of dancing entertainer groups (of course made up of beautiful women) and less known for being the originator of a primary chemical in a very popular drug. The knowledge of this chemical’s origin is a well-kept secret. The only thing most know is that the chemical originates from this planet and it’s from an organic compound that no one can reproduce. Its distance from the main trade routes and the secretive nature of its origin have made it an extremely expensive and not cost-effective for criminal enterprises and governments to go after, so whomever is selling the chemical is making a fortune and is not in any danger of losing their business anytime soon.
Planet 13:
4 Planets; 3 Moons; Earth-like atmosphere; moderate hydrosphere; 28 hour day; 375 day year; Wetlands/Plains terrain; Independent colony; Govt: Bureaucracy; Moderate Regulations: Unbeliever prejudice; High tech; Imports: Service/Luxury Goods; Exports: Processing/Service; 500 Million Population; Minor Spaceport; Minor Trade
Planet 13 is a small planet in a small system orbiting a giant star. It is owned and operated by a Corporate interest and run by an autocracy. Has the single most convoluted and difficult to understand tax/regulatory/etc systems in the galaxy. It is impossible for even the most advanced brains in the galaxy to comprehend them. To speak ill of the planet’s convoluted systems is to invite fines upon yourself and possibly be forever expelled from the planet.
The planetary government can get away with this because of how much money they have and how high quality of a product they’re able to produce. This planet produces the best, cheapest, and most reliable starship replacement parts in this sector. Everyone relies upon their production facilities and wants to sell their parts or use them on their ships. The planet would have a more prominent role in the cluster’s trade routes but it’s out of the way and the costs of doing business there is extremely prohibitive. (Primarily because you’ll have to buy a native lawyer team in order to safely navigate their rules and regs.)
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