Okay more randomly generated planets for the Star Cluster.
Planet 5:
Planet 5 is part of a 9 planet system; Has 2 moons; Atmosphere is harmful to humans over a long term; moderate amount of oceans (earth-like); 0.9 Earth gravity; 20 Hour day; 390 Day year; Primarily an Ocean and Jungle environment (Primitive Earth-like); Abandoned Colony; Criminal Government; Intolerant regulations w/ restricted Tech/Weapons; Mid-High tech level; Imports Natural Resources and Finished Goods. Exports 2 Major types of manufactured goods. Population of 50,000,000. Considered a Trade backwater and has a Minor spaceport.
The planet itself resembles a primordial earth with a similarly composed atmosphere. The hypersaturation of O2 in the atmosphere causes many medical complications in humans exposed to the atmosphere over a long period of time. The planet was once a sort of biological preserve and natural world observation project in addition to being a pretty solid trade port. The site was abandoned a long time ago by the company/group that originally owned it after their funding ran out. Criminals moved in to fill the power void left by the government’s departure. The criminal enterprises set about using the land available to them to put up assembly factories that keep the current population employed. Most of what they produce are chemicals and weapons components for use in items that are known to be illegal. The population is pretty tolerant of the Criminal rulers because they viciously protect the planet and bring in plenty of money. They rule in a relatively fair fashion too, it just isn’t exactly a representative government with the population’s best interests at heart (think more of a Mafia type family).
Planet 6
7 Planet System; Has a Ring or many small moons; Earth-like atmosphere, Moderate hydrosphere; 1.1 Earth Gravity, 22 hour day; 390 day year; Primarily Volcanic and mountainous terrain (Very Primordial Earth-like); Abandoned settlement; Criminal Government; Informal Regulations, Tech/Weapons restrictions; Mid-High tech; Imports Luxury Goods/Natural Resources; Exports processed materials and Services; population ~6,000,000; Minor Spaceport; Major Trade Route.
Planet 6 was part of a young mining corporation’s attempts to expand into the Cluster. This planet was to be used as a processing and storage facility for various ores in preparation for shipping. Unfortunately the company was plagued by poor management and bad luck. It had to abandon Planet 6 many years ago and, as is wont to happen in the area, the criminal elements moved in to take what they could. Most of the processing facilities warehouses and mines still exist on this planet and are still worked by various individual crime lords and their gangs. The planet is well known to be a great place to buy pretty much anything you could ever want. The lack of a real government lets people do what they want, when they want, and where they want. Unfortunately this also means that there’s slave trades and lots of smuggling operations that base themselves out of this area. There is a single marketplace in the inhabited area of this planet that is used as basically a 100% free-trade area. The crimelord who runs it is notoriously brutal to anyone who violates his simple rules, but is otherwise fair and keeps his cut of things very low.
The planet itself is in a Primodial Earth-like state. It is very similar in size, shape, and rotation to the Earth as well as having a very similar hydrosphere. It is still extremely volcanically active and most of the planet just has very primitive lifeforms across it. Really only one area about the size of an American State is inhabited.
Planet 7
11 Planets, 1 Asteroid Belt; 2 moons; Hazardous atmosphere, enviro-suits required; Arid Hydrosphere; Earth-like gravity; 23 hour day; 120 day year; Desert/Glacier terrain (Little-to-no atmosphere, frozen gas glaciers, corrosive soil); Important military outpost; Military Government; Intollerent regulations, Tech/Weapon restrictions; High tech level; Imports Services and Entertainment; Exports natural resources and services; Population 30,000; Major Spaceport; Trade Hub
Planet 7 is a frozen desert planet covered in various frozen gasses and rare rocky elements. The planet itself is of very little interest to most people, but the location of this solar system in the cluster is very important. Multiple orbital and asteroid based space stations exist here and it is a very popular marketplace and it is also the only connection to half of the cluster. Everyone must travel through this system at some point. Unfortunately Planet 7 is the single most habitable planet in the system so it has never become a truly influential system in the Cluster’s politics. A relatively small mercenary company calls this planet home. They are a very skilled and specialized guard force for merchants and are the primary force defending and patrolling this entire system. They finance themselves with exports of the rare materials on the planet and with general mercenary work. They are officially the “ruling power” of the system and enforce their regulations with extreme prejudice directly in line with the letter of the law. They always have the absolute top of the line ships, weapons, tech and training. There are rumors about some type of unknown bypass to this system that smugglers and pirates have been using to get around the heavily regulated and patrolled system.
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