Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Space Opera:The First 3 Planets of Random!

So I’ve been semi-randomly generating some worlds for this Space Opera star cluster. Nothing has a name yet and they’re only being referred to as “Planet #” with the # sign being replaced by the order it was created in. So the super-tourist planet I’ve mentioned is Planet 1, the next one will be Planet 2, followed by #3, and so on. I will profile Planet 1 at a later time, meanwhile here are the first 3 planets made through semi-randomness. (Semi-random means I may have altered or added something based on it making thematic sense or based off of inspiration striking me after seeing the dice fall) These are all the primary planets in their respective solar systems, there may be more inhabited in each system and there may be other deep space habitats (like colonized moons/asteroids or space stations) that I haven’t decided on creating yet.

Remember, these are the primary planets of 3 separate solar systems within the star cluster, not 3 planets in a single system.

Planet 2:
10 Planet solar system with 2 asteroid belts; The planet has 1 moon; The atmosphere is harmful to human life over a short period of time (This planet has a high concentration of CO2 and O2); The hydrosphere is super saturated making it almost entirely an ocean planet; 0.5 Earth Gravity; Most common terrain features are Jungles and Ocean; 36 hour day; 360 day year; established as a dependent colony and ruled by some type of monarchy-like system; Strict/Intolerant Regulations with specific weapon/tech restrictions; Imports some type of services and R&D; Exports a banking service and natural resources; Approximate population of 60,000; has a “minor” spaceport and is considered a trade backwater.

Planet 2 is almost entirely covered by liquid water with next to no landmasses poking up from its massive oceans. The world is absolutely covered by a kelp-like plant that is capable of growing out of the water and farming Mangrove-like jungles in the shallower waters. The atmosphere is harmful to humans in a matter of minutes due to the high concentrations of Oxygen and CO2 in the atmosphere. The planet is essentially setup as tax haven, with Banking and currency exchange being its primary industries outside of the planet’s vast ocean-based resources. It is ruled by the head of the Bank in a corporate monarchy. It has a decently well-equipped spaceport and is out of the way enough to make attacking it extremely difficult (especially considering how close the Bank’s mercenary support is to the travel routes.

Planet 3:
15 planet solar system with 2 dense asteroid belts; 3 moons orbit the planet; Earth-like atmosphere with an extremely arid hydrosphere; Gravity is 5x Earth; 26 hour day; 225 day year; Common terrain includes Glaciers, Forests, and Volcanoes; Established as an independent colony by a major business conglomerate; Moderate regulations with a strong alien prejudice; Imports Services and processed raw materials. Exports education and finished goods. Has a population in the 600-700 range; Basic spaceport on planet; considered a trade hub.

Planet 3’s arid environment is kind of a misnomer. It has a lot of water, but it is all frozen except directly around its very active volcanoes. Around these volcanoes individually developing forest eco-systems exist in steamy, tropical rain forests. There is a large trading station in orbit where the Conglomerate maintains a major trade outpost for selling the goods they produce on the surface. The manufacturing processes they are using work extremely well in such a high-g environment and enhance the quality of the products they make. The fact that they can use geothermal power and don’t have to worry too much about environmental impacts to the planet also helps a lot. Access to the planet is restricted to the factory workers and other conglomerate personnel as required for maintenance, inspections and such. The factory’s non-manufacturing spaces are maintained at about a 1.2 Earth Gravity environment with artificial gravity generators/compensators.

The spaceport services available to non-company affiliated ships are some of the most basic, just enough that they don’t fear reprisal by travelers. Company affiliated ships have access to a cutting edge facility with all the latest tech and reasonable pricing. Anyone caught using it who isn’t part of the company faces harsh punishments and fines.

Planet 4:
14 planet system, 1 asteroid belt; Planet has 12 small moons; Earth-like atmosphere, dry hydrosphere with some standing water; Earth-like gravity; 23 hour day, 135 day year; Artificial and mountainous terrain dominates the world; established as an important military installation, ruled by a bureaucracy; Intolerant regulations that punish “unbelievers”; Imports Luxury goods and entertainment; Exports2 types of services; estimated 4 Billion population; Major spaceport; Trade Hub

Planet 4 is a heavily populated world. It has quite a large number of cities dotting its surface. It was once a major military installation for the Terrans during the second to last major war with the Confederation. It was sold off to a Security/Mercenary corporation founded by veterans of that war who now maintain the government and infrastructure of the system. Most of the population are or are decedents of Refugees from major conflicts around the galaxy. The Mercs seem to take a very serious stance on protecting these refugees. This company is the most hired company in the known galaxy and most everyone in it appears to be volunteers from the refugee population. The world has very little natural resources and making a living on the surface can be hard without access to modern tech which easily makes its way into the system because of its close proximity to Planet 1.

I like where this stuff is going.

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